Students of Tatarstan became prizes in the all-Russia Olympian in informatics among students

17 April 2014, Thursday

All-Russia Olympiad, which was attended by 245 children - winners of the regional stages of the 50 subjects of the Russian Federation, including Sevastopol, was held in Yekaterinburg from 6 to 12 April. In addition to passing the task, the guys took part in the intellectual and athletic competitions, competed in the "blind programming ", and got acquainted with the city of Yekaterinburg.

4 Tatarstan schoolboys became the winners of the competition: 3 students from gymnasium №122, Kazan – Nikita Chernega, Nail Mingaliev, Alexey Volostnov and 1 student from boarding lyceum № 2, Kazan – Maxim Korchagin.
We congratulate the winners of the All-Russian Olympiad in Informatics!

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